Long-Sleeve Mock Turtleneck Thermo Carbon Underwear Designed To Tackle Low Temperatures (Below 5°C) So That The Athlete Does Not Waste Precious Energy To Heat The Body. In These Conditions It Is Essential To Wear A ´´Strengthened´´ Product That Manages The Body Temperature By Taking Any Sweat To The Outside Without Absorbing It. Total Protection Provided By The Mock Turtleneck Collar (Which Defends The Neck) And The Fabric Thermo Carbon Underwear®, 45% Denser Than Carbon Underwear®.Features:- Breathability- Thermoregulation- Wind Protection- H2o ProtectionSpecifications:- Materials: Thermo Carbon Underwear® Breathable And Thermal (45% More Than Carbon Underwear®).Technology:Antistatic System:- The Carbon Yarn Isolates The Static Electricity Caused By The Rubbing Of FabricsSeamless Technology:- Seamless Garment On The Torso To Provide Absolute Comfort Compare prices from: Sixs in Man's Sportswear