The 10 x 7 Shire Holt Reverse Apex Shiplap Shed is a high-quality wooden shed with charming decorative shutters. Its a timber garden storage with superb features, including concealed hinges on the door. The key features include:. *Reverse apex roof for more headroom *2 x Opening window *Single door with rim lock *34mm x 34mm extra strong framing *Tongue and groove floor for superior durability *10-year anti-rot guarantee Compare prices from: Shire in Outdoor Equipment
- Shire Gb -
999.99 GBP
Shire Gb Holt 10 Ft X 7 Ft Shiplap Shed Brown 297cm W X 205cm D X 235cm H
The Holt is an attractive and well made British shed featuring high grade 12mm shiplap tongue and groove cladding and strong 34mm sqauare framing. There are two opening glass windows for added light and ventilation. Faux shutters are also supplied. The single door is fitted with a rim lock and wooden knob. The floor is 12mm matching T&G whilst the roof is solid sheet OSB boards, roof felt is also supplied for the exterior. The shed is dip treated with a preservative base coat ready for your own topcoat of paint or stain. Allowance should be made for the roof overhang and for access around the outside during construction and subsequent treatment. Before you assemble your building, you will need a base which is flat and level to a sufficient size. Grass, soil or gravel are not sufficient as they will move with the weight of a building. Shire GB Compare prices from: Shire Gb in Outdoor Equipment